My Vision

My goal is to establish an environment for those who share my emotions. In the past, I’ve had a tendency to overshare in the hopes of finding relief, but it ultimately just made me feel more ashamed. I feel as though I exposed a side of myself to them that I  keep hidden. I hope that by not being alone, someone who might be in a similar situation as mine could gain something. This is the page of a person who is still learning. Someone who has everything figured out is not on this page.

  • I’ve always been an early riser. Even though I don’t have a morning ritual, when I get up, my cup is halfway full. I get my kids ready for school and then I get ready for work. I drive my kids to school, so I do not feel guilt for making them ride the bus.…

  • I began to consider today that in order to let go of the anxiety I’ve been experiencing, I need start journaling every day about how I’m feeling. I really do an excellent job of articulating my feelings about day-to-day things. Nevertheless, I eventually come to the conclusion that nobody hears me out or listens to…